R.I.P. 8310

After years of good service my mobile phone (or cellular or “handy” like we call them over here in germay) the lovely Nokia 8310 gave up on me. It just turned itself off and I can’t get it to start up again. That’s a real bugger as all stuff on the phone itself (so all the stuff not saved on the SIM-card) seems to be down the drain :-( – this includes all my appointments I saved in the calendar, some numbers that had no room on the SIM anymore and a load of SMS’.

Ah well, a fond farewell to it. Now I need to get into gear to get a new one which leads me to my newest problem:
I wanted to buy the brand new Motorola V3 a.k.a. “Razr”, but unfortunately it’s not in stock anywhere :-(

Now I’m stuck: should I go with my second choice (first choice prior to the Razor) the lovely Nokia 6230 which has all the features you would ever need, but which has got one major disadvantage: with medium to heavy use the battery won’t last much longer than 1 day! :-(

Need to think this over…I’ll keep you updated.

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