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Traffic & Exposure

What’s your Google PageRank? is currently ranked with a Google PageRank of 2.
All pages are indexed and most subpages (posts) have got their own pagerank of 1 to 2, too!

What sorts of advertising are available?

Text link
This is the most basic form of advertising. A simple text link will be pointing to your desired site. Text-links are available for 20$/month or 50$/quarter.
Graphic ad
A graphic ad is available for 30$/month or 75$/quarter.
The advertise must provide the graphic which can have a maximum size of 160×240!
Terms & Conditions
All rates may be change without further notice. All ads are showed as long as they’re payed for, so no worries. There are no recurring fees. If you pay for a quarter and aren’t satisfied, there’s no automatic renewal!
Other terms are negotiable, feel free to contact me: ingoal [at] gmail [dot] com
Payments are possible via Paypal.
Apart from other ads (no worries, there won’t be more than 2 graphic ads, 2 advanced text ads and 10 text links at all times).
Finally: I reserve the right to decline ad requests on a case by case basis without further explanation.