GMail Invites…final post

So…this is going to be my final post concerning GMail invites…I’m tired of having them on my back, and wandering around I came across Isnoop gmailomatic…you can send your gmail invites to them and they’ll add them to their pool…

If a user wants one he can simply enter his email-address and he will get one from the pool! Cool idea…

/heads over to gmail and sends invites to isnoop…

2 thoughts on “GMail Invites…final post

  1. I’m still wondering if GMX would be the better choice, after all they also offer 1 Gig plus WebDAV.

  2. Hmm…atm Gmail is still ad-free (but who knows how long that’s going to last) so that is one plus for Gmail. On the other hand GMX is offering WebDAV like you said, and offers special features like the “MediaManager”, which allows you to use the 1GB not only for mails but as a virtual hdd – so maybe GMX is the more logical choice after all. I guess it’s just the name and the process how to get an account what’s making this whole thing so popular: Person1:”Ooooh it’s still beta, you’ll need an invite!” – Person2:”Hmm…I really don’t need, but hey, it’s free so hook me up with one! At least I can check it out and tell everyone I’m a beta tester…” ;-)

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