While I was really busy this week there was much going on around the “blogosphere”.
- 1. Ensight’s Jeremy Wright is selling himself on ebay. Unbelievable? No, his idea to sell himself for a period of time as a blogger for a company is really groovy. I’m wondering how much will be the final price. You can checkout the auction here (current price: 112.73$).
- 2. Jeremy is still looking out for bloggers who would like to join his effort to get 50 bloggers together to start an advertising network. Jeremy will negotiate based on the basis of 50 bloggers as soon as this number is met and, I think, it’ll be beneficial for all participants. More infos can be found here
- 3. Google’s newest edition to the “beta-family” is Google Scholar which can be used for literature research (scholar.google.com). Found via Technosailor.com