Today is my dad’s 55th birthday, so it’s family cake&coffee this afternoon (the first relatives already arrived) and dinner in a restaurant tonight, so don’t expect any other posts today :wink:
Author Archives: Ingoal
New WP-Mobile version
Alex has just released the new version 1.7 of WordPress Mobile edition (see here).
Just upgraded, so the mobile edition is uptodate again, although the prior version was working alright on the pda I tested it on (Kai‘s HP iPaq h6340).
Around the world for 3 Euros
Hehe, today I received the first mailbag of my life. You read right, a really BIG yellow mailbag (see Photo #1).
I was a little confused what it might be, and after reading the label (see Photo #2) it was clear that it had to be some books from an Amazon Marketplace seller (alibris). I do a lot of business with them as they sell superb hardcover books for cheap prices – I tend to read original material, hence most books are english and those books are really expensive over here, especially if you want the hardcover edition.
To my surprise all that was inside was a single package (see Photo #3). Alrighty, it contained quite a large book (see Photo #4), but nontheless: a whole mailbag for that?! But anyway, what do I care, I only payed 3 Euro shipping costs :mrgreen:
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Photo #4
All Photos resized to 1024×768 and 204-283kb in size.
iPod -> iPod Shuffle?
Week 19
Ingoal’s score: 25 points (623 points total)
Mr. Price’s score: 43points (765 points total)
Seems I’m in a downward spiral yet again…
Mac Mini
So the rumours were true after all! There will be a super sweet Mac Mini available at your Apple store soonish (January 29th over here in germany). This might be my first Mac – just need to get some money first, as the base price of 499 Euro can easily be raised to near 1000 Euro if you add some extras (dvd-burner, memory upgrade, mouse + keyboard, bluetooth + wireless lan) :neutral:
Maybe this isn’t my first Mac after all – the iBook seems to be the better deal, at least for me…
Age of Mythology – Game 5
It’s been a while since we last played this game. So we took the time tonight and played it. Not a particularly nice game, at least for me, but nontheless I got away with the win thanks to Kai‘s last move which destroyed one of Ines’ buildings which put both of them into a tie (which means that both had the exact same number of buildings – the points of the winning card “Most buildings” wasn’t awarded).
After I had bought 6 winning points early on I couldn’t get anywhere near any other winning points due to the fact that Ines had destroyed my temple, which allows you to buy one winning point for 8 blue piece (“grace”). The other players battle for the remaining winning points and it really looked like Ines would get away with both the winning points for most buildings and biggest army, but with the last move, an effort to claim victory himself, Kai destroyed a building which sent it to the tie mentioned above and so only the points for biggest army were awarded to Ines.
Final standings:
- 1. Ingo: 6 points , race played: greeks :goof:
- 2. Ines: 3 points + 2 points for biggest army = 5 points, race played: vikings
- 2. Kai: 5 points, race played: egypts
- 4. Ralf: 1 point, race played: vikings
- 5. Nico: 0 points, race played: greeks
Overall winning standings:
- 1. Ingoal – 3 wins (5 games played)
- 2. Ines – 1 win (4 games played)
- 2. Nico – 1 win (4 games played)
- 4. Kai – 0 wins (4 games played)
- 5. Ralf – 0 wins (5 games played)
Now I’ve won it with every race (vikings, greece and egypts)! Woohoo :tup:
New spaminator version
Kitten has just released a new version of her Spaminotor (1.0rc6). You can get it in the WordPress Plugins directory (see here).
If you’re using WordPress 1.3 or above you will even have a admin-page to edit the settings – I don’t WordPress 1.2.2 here, but no worries, the normal configuration (edit the php-file directly) is still working like a charm :tup:
Nerd score / Digital IQ
Foreign Cheques
Just like Neil I received my first Google cheque (or check) a few days ago. I was more than happy to receive some money, which is covering at least part of my hosting costs, without doing anything for it.
But my hapiness is a little deadbeat now that my bank has cashed the cheque. Just like Neil wrote in his recent post: if you’re not located in the US you will certainly be surprised about the amount that is ultimatively credited to your account. As of AdSense’s terms of service I’m not to disclose how much I earned, but as I’ve got a cheque you can figure out the lower boundary of the amount. Let me put it that way: the currency conversion and the bank fees for foreign cheques has just cut the amount by 16% :cry:
Now that really sucks, but hey, as I ain’t got an account with an american bank there’s nothing much I can do…
Host move
As you might have already seen: has moved to a new host. As I already said in my previous post, Dreamhost has tripled both space and bandwith on all accounts. So I decided to cut some slack and move Ingoal’s Insight over to Dreamhost. That saves me an additional account and hence some money (around 50$/year) – nothing much, but hey, why spend money if you ain’t got to :wink:
It’s not that I was unsatisfied with TotalChoiceHosting or anything. I was really satisfied with both the performance of their servers and their customer service – it’s just that I’ve got more than 1.5GB of space and nearly 120GB of bandwith without use (until now!).
Alright, the DNS update seems to be done, I hope that you’re able to find me again. If you encounter any errors due to the server move feel free to reply to this post or contact me at ingoal[at]gmail[dot]com
Week 18
Ingoal’s score: 49 pts (598 pts total)
Mr. Price’s score: 34 pts (722 pts total)
Watch out…it’s coming…:goof:
Need hosting?
If you’re on the lookout for a new hosting package, I think you should have a look at the newest crazy domain packages over at Dreamhost. Not only did they recently triple the bandwith, but they tripled the space now, too. The smallest package (Crazy Domain Insane) was: 800MB space and 40GB bandwith – this is now 2.400MB space and 120GB bandwith!
I guess it’s time to move over over, too – I’ve already got an account with them hosting two of my other domains… :rolleyes:
If you’re interested in signing up with them: do me a favor and use the link above or the following pic, you will get the hosting and I will get a little bit of commision :mrgreen:
Google PageRank increase
It seems Google has updated the PageRank of The updated Page Rank is now 4 (instead of 3).
Way to go :mrgreen:
New mobile phone
After my old mobile phone died in October (see here), I finally decided which way to go. As I said back then there were two phones which I would want, the Motorola V3 (Razr) or the Nokia 6230. The V3 is just too expensive (still 379€), so I went with the Nokia 6230 (which I was able to get for a discounted price of 49€ now – instead of the 129€ prior to January 1st).
I know that the battery life of it isn’t all that great, but I’ve got a masterplan for that – upgrade the standard battery (850mAh) with a high-capacity one (1200 mAh). That should give it an extra boost and a decent battery life (of greater than 1 day).
Apart from that little downside it has got everything you could ask for: Bluetooth, groovy colour display, etc. Now I can’t wait for it to arrive, hopefully it’ll be here in 1-2days – expect to hear a review then :wink: