South Korea 3-1 Germany

Oooh my, it seems that the trip to Asia isn’t working out the way we all expected it. Just watched the game and okay, it isn’t the end of the world or anything (it’s just a friendly footie match), but it is unexpected. After going down 1-0 in the first half we struck back with a nifty freekick by Ballack to level it at 1-1. Then we went down 2-1 in the second half, but we didn’t quit and tried to get the equalizer. Our efforts were worthless, but then, just when you thought that they weren’t going to score, we were awarded a penalty kick – which Ballack blew and just like you would expect it: right after that South Korea tried a last counter-attack, which was successful: 3-1.


Spend most of the day yesterday laying a wooden floor in a mate’s room. After 3 hours of “relaxing sleep” (yeah right!) we met up at 9am yesterday. After a little chit-chat, coffee and cigarettes we started to get busy and after some startup problems we were able to get it done (7:30pm all was done). Groovy stuff as the floor is really looking great! :mrgreen:

On the downside I’m stuck with two swollen knees, but hey, it could be worse…at least the party location for december 25th is set now :-)

Get your grade while it’s fresh

So, finally the email arrived containing the information I’ve been waiting for. My grade for the often talked about uni project (see, #1, #2 and #3)

The final grade of the project is calculated as follows:

  • 1. Presentation = 20% – my grade: 1.0
  • 2. Oral exam = 30% – my grade: 1.3
  • 3. Work on project = 50% – my grade: 1.0

This leads to the following calculation:
2 * 1.0 + 3 * 1.3 + 5 * 1.0 = 10.9 / 10 = 1.09 = 1.0 :mrgreen:

Now you might wonder why I’m smiling so much, yup, 1.0 is the best grade there is! :-)

How much desktop do you have to search?

Alrighty, after Google’s desktop search and MSN’s toolbar (including desktop search) we’ve got the third one on our hands: Ask Jeeves Desktop search.

Now I’m wondering: how much desktop do you even have to search? How often do you really search for something on your desktop with a search-functionality (OS side)? Isn’t it better to just organize your files and stick with it? Maybe it’s just me, but I stick to my well thought out data-organisation and abstain from shutting down my brain in an effort to push “new technologies” like the desktop search.

It doesn’t mean that those search-programs are a bad thing (although they might as well be – think about what Google Desktop search does (can’t speak about the others as I didn’t and probably won’t test them): build an index of all your files. Do you know if that is properly encrypted? Do you know whether or not a “bad person” could take advantage of such (a) file(s)?), I was really amazed how fast the search mechanism worked – in contrast to the WinXP built-in search mechanism. So maybe it’s time that Microsoft works on their own engine or allow others to be integrated into the OS as there’s no way I’m going to install this thing as an additional program.

Spice up your posts

Don’t worry, the spice girls aren’t back in town!

It’s just me trying out some new smilies. I’m really a fan of smilies and so used to them, via numerous forums, that I thought it’s about time that I added some essential ones to the standard WordPress-list. So here they are:

  • 1. :rolleyes: – classic rolleyes-smiley
  • 2. :goof: – goofy smiley
  • 3. :badpc: – one of my all-time favourites, smash the bad pc
  • 4. :santa: – just in time for christmas, the santa-smiley
  • 5. :brickwall: – sometimes it’s just like you’re running into a brick-wall
  • 6. :argue:
  • 7. :tup: – thumbs up
  • 8. :tdown: – thumbs down

Expect them to appear in future posts…

Do we need to compete in everything?

I’m just wondering what’s next. I mean okay it’s normal that manufacturers of both soft- and hardware are competing with more and more innovation, eyecandy and loads of (sometimes totally unnecessary features) to catch the eye of the consumer – let’s see: AMD vs. Intel, Nvidia vs. ATi, PC vs. Apple, etc etc. This is both groovy and necessary as it’s the only way that products can improve and ultimatively become affordable to the regular user. That’s some good competition…

Today I browse around some news sites and see that users are competing in new categories now, too. Back in the days when I was one of the dudes who would buy new stuff right when it came out the main goal was to have a kick-arse system which was faster than the pc of your fellow geeks. Nowadays this is still important, but it seems to me that the “look” or “coolness”-factor of your pc is more important than the performance itself. How would I know? I just found out that on April 16th 2005 there will be the 4th annual german case modding championship (see here). Wow! How could I miss this for the last three years? Something this important.
Note: lie ;-)

On another note: I’ve got a “modded” case, too…a limited edition painted one with a window, but that’s about it, no 100 blue/red/green-leds, no flashlights or whatever. The only really reasonable case-mod to me is a silencer mod (silent fans, passive cooling solutions and the like), but I guess I won’t win any prices with that :-)

Week 14

Ingoal’s score: 40 pts (440 points total)
Mr. Price’s score: 45 pts (568 points total)

Slowly but steady losing ground every week. Time for some tranfers (3!). Maybe that’ll help…

Online bookmarks

online-bookmarks is a really nice web application using php and MySQL to implement an online system for bookmarks. Alright, you can always save (or export) your bookmark list from your browser and upload it to a web-location, but that’s not really elegant nor efficient. So this really comes in handy. You can import and export bookmarks (I just tested the import with my bookmarks of my Firefox 1.0 – which worked like a charm) and best of all: manage them online (add, delete, move, etc)!

All you need is php and a MySQL-db and you’re set. Really nice! It took me less than two minutes to have it up and running. Thanks to Ben for finding this one! You can read his thoughts about it here.

Party hard…

Oh my, what a weekend:

  • We had our little christmas dinner on friday (FC Marbach 2nd team). So we all enjoyed ourselves with some nice food and a lot of drinking. Managed to get home by 5 am.
  • Went to the christmas market of Steinheim and had quite a few glasses of mulled wine, then we went to a house warming party and had some Blutwurz schnaps (around 50% alcohol). Managed to get home by 1am.
  • Went to the christmas market of Marbach today and had some glasses of mulled wine. Managed to get home as early as 7pm.

So, it was a real busy and boozy weekend, hence the lack of updates. Now it’s really time to get some rest and start out fresh tomorrow – I guess I’m getting old ;-)

Jeremy’s auction (update)

Well, well. It was really interesting to watch the auction “live” (refresh, refresh, refresh). In the last hour the bid rose to over 3000$ taking a stop just before the end of the auction with the winning bid of 3350$. Nice one!

Too bad that my guess of 2600$ was a little bit too low, so no prices for me, but hey…at least Jeremy got a nice amount of cash!

Read more about it over at ensight