New template…

It might have come to your attention right away that I’ve made a little template switch. The switch came due to the bad readability of the used template (brown/black). I switched to the much applauded gemini template…I know it’s not perfect yet, but it’s already late again…so don’t expect any wonders today…I’ll try to edit it asap:

To-Do List:

  • Maybe add header pic again
  • Work on color-theme, especially menu (contrast calendar, etc)

FCM II 5-2 SKV Erligheim II

Not bad…although the match was really bad. After being down 0-1, and 1-2 we came back to really shoot them out of the place (the score could have been 8-4 easily in the end)…

Ingoal’s status: not in squad, but present on the sideline :-)

Must be the shoes (update)

So, I gave them a whirl yesterday and boy are those shoes sweet. With the Traxion system they’re real easy on your feet (minimal stud pressure). I gotta say: thumbs up! The first time in over a year that my ankles aren’t hurting after a training (I guess I should have invested in new shoes earlier :-) )…

Cup match FCM II 3-6 SKV Eglosheim (FCM II)

Well, well…3-6…1-5 at half :-(

They’re playing a league above us, but still no reason to go down like that…on another note: that way we can totally focus on the league play now, which isn’t bad at all as we intend to run for the championship this year!

On a side note: despite the promise to start the players who didn’t play last sunday I only played the last 15 minutes of the match… :-( [Strike 1]

GMail Invite anyone? (update)

It seems that Google is dishing out a huge load of invites as mine seem to auto-refill almost every day…so I’ve still got 5 left atm…if you want one…contact me :-)

Win! Win! Win! (FCM II)

Well… FCM II 7-1 TV Aldingen II :-)

Not bad…on the downside the match wasn’t as good as the result may suggest…and I didn’t play yet again…hmm…let’s see what happens wednesday (cup match)…

GMail Invite anyone?

I know I know, enough already some might say, but yes…I’ve got some GMail-Invites left…so if you’re still in need of a GMail account…feel free to drop me an email:

Ingoal [at] with subject: – GMail invite and don’t forget your first and last name…First come first serve ;-)

Gmail Filesystem?!

Are you one of the many beta testers of Google Mail (GMail)? Then you might have thought about what to do with all that GMail space (1GB). Richard Jones thought about it too and came up with the GMail Filesystem (GMail FS). You can read more about it on Richard Jones’ Homepage. (update)

After the unsatisying experience of hosting with pinchpenny and the related problems (namely that the domain was unreachable from many ip-ranges) if decided to exercise my right to cancel the hosting within the 14 day trial period. Whether or not I’ll see my money again and more important, when, is a different – I’ll keep you updated.

I switched to Total Choice Hosting which was recommended by many people. I was really surprised to find the account ready to go only hours after I placed my order (and due to the fact that I had already changed the nameservers I can already access by name and not only by IP – hopefully you can already too :-)).

Still need to tweak a thing or two, but I’m really looking forward to running this domain with a reliable host with a responsive support staff in case I need them.

The new hosting package includes:

  • 450MB space :-)
  • unlimited MySQL tables
  • all the usual stuff (php, …)

…and with a price tag of 4$ per month (monthly payment option) I’m more than pleased…

Unsatisfying season opener (FCM II)

FCM II 1-1 Höpfigheim

After handing out an early goal (4th minute) it was a hard battle with one victim on our side. He was hit on the head during a header and had an immense bleeding. I drove him to the hospital where they had him stiched up. During that time we tied the score 1-1.

We had some other chances to score the winning goal, but failed. So it’s us in the midfield of the table…unsatisfying to say the least…

HP to release it’s own iPod (update)

Hehe…so all the anticipation and then this. HP just added the real, original iPod to it’s products (see

Ah well, as I already said in the first post on this topic: the only thing that HP could have done to the iPod would have been ruining the design, so it was a smart move to just take the perfectly designed one and add it to their lineup.