
Alrighty, I’m back.

Uni stuff:

  • “Marathon sessions” payed off, our uni document was ready just in time to goto the copy shop to be binded as a small book; handed in on time :tup:
  • Exams are over, for now. Yesterday was the big day: Wissensverarbeitung (knowledge engineering) + Verteilte Systeme (Distributed Systems). Did go quite well, at least in knowledge engineering, don’t really know about Distributed Systems, but hey…I’ll find out in some weeks…glad that it’s over ;-)

Fantasy footie:

Not a particularly good week again, but I’m still keeping touch to the top…

  • Mr. Price’s score this week: 46 points (270 points total) – currently in 2nd place
  • Ingoal’s score this week: 32 points (249 points total) – currently in 6th place

FC Marbach II:
I didn’t attend the match vs Hochdorf on sunday due to my exam preparation, but I know the result: FC Marbach II 4-1 SGV Hochdorf :-)

I picked up a nasty cold sometime last week, so it was hard to concentrate on the exam preparation, the exam itself and all the other tasks. Now that this is all behind me, I’m taking some time off to really get better and it’s paying off already – after the first decent night’s sleep in a while I’m feeling better already, today. God bless medicine :-)

It seems that weeks after our general elections the big parties are finally converging into a settlement…maybe we’ll have a new chancellor sooner than we all thought. I’m really curious whether it’s going to be Angela Merkel (CDU) or Gerhard Schroeder (SPD – current chancellor) or a third person (!).

European Championship Final (Basketball)

Germany 62-78 Greece :-(

Still the second greatest achievement in german Basketball history (after the upset European Championship in 1993). One Nowitzki, who was forced into bad shots all night and still managed to get 23points, just wasn’t enough to defeat a well-rounded greek team effort.

Congrats to them…and see you in Japan for the World Championship 2006!

FV Oberstenfeld 0-0 FC Marbach

Not a great match on the horrible pitch of Oberstenfeld, nontheless we had the better chances and could have scored numerous time, but it wasn’t to be.

So there goes the top of the table and we’re playing our next home game next sunday against the new leader:

FC Marbach II (2nd – 10pts) vs. SGV Hochdorf (1st – 12pts)

Week 6 (2005/2006)

Not a particularly good week for my team with a measly 29 points (best score in our super league 57 points!). Nontheless it was enough to remain on top of the table as the second place manager (Mr. Price himself) scored the identical score (29points) :-)

  1. Ingoal, 29 points, 195 points total
  2. Mr Price, 29 points, 191 points total

Apple iPod nano

Wow! I just had a look at the brand-new Apple iPod nano and I gotta say I’m impressed. As far as I can tell this one should replace the iPod mini and fill the void between the ultra-small iPod shuffle and the standard iPod.

Here’s a pic:

the iPod nano in white

Now I’m really wondering if I should get myself this baby or look out for a bargain on a mini?!
The nano costs 199 Euro (2GB) / 249,01 Euro (4GB) with free delivery and free laser engraving – and you gotta say that it’s just so slim and small and has got a color-display… :-)

More infos on the Apple homepage

FC Marbach II 5-0 TSV Ludwigsburg

Well, what should I say…they had no chance at all. Our team, stuffed with players from our first team (6 out of the starting 11), was just too much and it was just a mattered of time until we scored – which took quite some time and a lot of wasted chances (43rd minute: 1-0). We went up 2-0 right after the half on a penalty and the rest was cruise mode.

  • 1-0 Thomas Scheike
  • 2-0 Fabian Kirschner (penalty)
  • 3-0 Kerim Panzehir
  • 4-0 Fabian Kirschner
  • 5-0 Timo Hertler

If we continue at this pace we’ll be able to clinch the wanted 20+ points (avoiding relegation) in no time…and if all goes well we might even play for a bid in Kreisliga A…who knows…

Election Day (Bundestagswahl 2005)

Today we elect our new parliament. Off to the voting booth…more about the vote, results etc later on…

For more on the german parliament and the voting process see this WikiPedia entry.

Update: 15 minutes until the polling stations close…there should be some early projections soonish…

Update: First projections (RTL/ZDF)…

  • SPD: 33.5 % / 33.0 %
  • CDU: 36.0 % / 37.0 %
  • Gruene: 8.5 % / 8.0 %
  • FDP: 10.5 % / 10.5 %
  • Die Linke: 8.5 % 8.0 %

So after the first projection none of the usual confederacies have got a majority (“old government” SPD + Gruene = 42%, CDU + FDP = 45%)…let’s see how this evolves…

Update: Here’s a link to the ARD monitor which will keep you updated on the newest projections ARD Wahlmonitor 2005 (You need a flash player for this one)

Update: Latest projection 0:02 locale time

  • SPD: 34.2 %
  • CDU: 35.2 %
  • Gruene: 8.1 %
  • FDP: 9.8 %
  • Die Linke: 8.7 %

I’m really curious how this whole thing is going to work out…enough election for today…let’s see what tomorrow and the following days bring us…

Week 5 (2005/2006)

Oooh yeah! Start spreading the news: Ingoal has clinched the top of the table!
With a brilliant 5th week (with a whoopin score of 34 points) and 166 total points now, I’m the leader of the pack. Haven’t been in that position for such a long time it feels really good to be back. Although it’s still early in the season I’m quite confident now that I can indeed beat Mr. Price this season and win our bet :mrgreen:

Standings after 5 weeks:

  1. Ingoal – 166
  2. Mr. Legg – 163
  3. Mr. Price – 162

Age of Mythology – Game 8

It’s been a long time since we last played a board game, especially Age of Mythology (see below), but yesterday we managed to play a round once again. It was the 8th game in total and I managed to finish in second position. The game was decided late (in the last round) again and Nico managed to secure himself the winning points of both “Most buildings” and “Biggest army”.

Final Standings:

  • 1. Nico – 14 points
  • 2. Ingo – 6 points
  • 3. Ines – 1 point
  • 3. Ralf – 1 point

Overall winning standings:

  1. Ingoal – 3 wins (8 games played)
  2. Nico – 2 wins (7 games played)
  3. Ralf – 2 wins (8 games played)
  4. Ines – 1 win (6 games played)
  5. Jens – 0 wins (1 game played)
  6. Wolf – 0 wins (1 game played)
  7. Kai – 0 wins (6 games played)

Age of Mythology Board Game

SGV Murr 2-4 FC Marbach II

Wow, another victory against a good team. After going up 0-2, Murr pull within our reach just before half-time (1-2). 1-3, 1-4 and 2-4 followed which leaves us with our second win in as many matches :mrgreen:


  • 0-1 Salvador Garcia-Martinez
  • 0-2 Kerim Panzehir
  • 1-3 Timo Hertler
  • 1-4 Kerim Panzehir

Marbacher Gassenlauf

So…after a really short night and bad signs (a mate of mine celebrated his birthday and we were drinking beer + jaegermeister until well after 3am this morning – can you call that bad signs?! :mrgreen: ) I decided to…run!

To be honest the route was tougher than I expected and I thought about quitting after the first lap, but then I thought: You’re here now…so run! – and that’s just what I did…

I finished in position 258 (which in turn is place 218 (edit) only counting the male competitors)) – not bad! Although I didn’t finish in my “magic time” of under an hour…here’s the time:

Snapshot of my finish

1h 7m 58s: laps 20:04/23:40/24:14 – nontheless I’m proud and glad that it’s over ;-)
Maybe I’ll start again next year – but only if I can find the time to train a little bit more, especially on the route itself as there’s a huge difference between 10.5km flat and 10.5km of up and down (47 height meters per lap)!

Sporty weekend…or…run Ingoal run…

On Saturday it’s time for the “Marbacher Gassenlauf” (Marbach is the native town of Friedrich Schiller). It’s basically a city run, although the route is through all the old alleys (“Gasse” = alley) with their lovely cobblestone pavement so it’s a little bit tougher – especially due to the nature of the route:

3 laps with 3.5km each, height difference per round = 47 meters :eek: – so a total height difference of 141 meters…

Here’s a pic of the route (the part in the red square is the cobblestone part):

Route of the Marbacher Gassenlauf

I guess it’s going to be a tough one as I haven’t been in a 10km+ run before, but I’m feeling fine and confident…although I didn’t do any additional training sessions (training for footie at least two times per week is enough IMO).

My personal goals:

  • Make it through all 3 laps
  • Have fun! (If that’s possible ;-) )
  • If it’s possible stay under 1h
  • Don’t die of boredom

I’ll report back on late Saturday or Sunday with results…