Wow. Shipment arrived today. A lovely lovely brand new and shiny monitor I have got now :-)
Maybe I’ll post a pic (or at least a link to a pic) later on. Now I need to get into gear (footie training coming up)…
Wow. Shipment arrived today. A lovely lovely brand new and shiny monitor I have got now :-)
Maybe I’ll post a pic (or at least a link to a pic) later on. Now I need to get into gear (footie training coming up)…
…some more cash. After acquiring my brand new samsung hdd I just came across an offer I couldn’t turn down: is offering the lovely LG 1716S 17″ flatscreen monitor for as little as 249 € (~318$) – of course with free shipping.
So I guess I could call this week “renew and recycle”-week, because as you might have already guessed: my “old” lcd-monitor (15,1″ Fujitsu Siemens) will make it’s new home infront of my third pc (install currently in progress).
Today my new hdd arrived. A lovely Samsung SP1614N, 160GB – 8MB Cache :-)
Now I can finally do a more than needed reinstall of my main workstation, which will be equipped with this new hdd which will replace the “old” second hdd (IBM 60GB) – which will in return be put into my third pc (currently running without a hdd – Knoppix) enabling me to install a linux distro. I’m still pondering which way to go: it’s going to be either Debian or SUSE. I’ll keep you updated…
Hehe…so all the anticipation and then this. HP just added the real, original iPod to it’s products (see
Ah well, as I already said in the first post on this topic: the only thing that HP could have done to the iPod would have been ruining the design, so it was a smart move to just take the perfectly designed one and add it to their lineup.
Reports state that Hewlett Packard is about to release it’s very own version of the iPod (sources say it will be presented today in Miami) . This HP iPod will be manufactured by Apple and it’s suppliers and is part of the “business alliance” between HP and Apple – Hewlett Packard ships it’s PCs with Apple’s iTunes preinstalled…
I’m really curious how this thing will look like as the reports stated it’s based on the iPod technology, but said nothing about the design. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but I don’t think they can make it look better than the current iPod (so maybe all they can do is make it look worse, but we’ll see)…