Firefox 1.0 PR (aka 0.10)

So…here I am…Firefox 1.0 Preview Release up and running…another smooth transaction from my previous version (0.92). Now I just need to get my hands on a new skin (as Qute 2.1.2 isn’t compatible with 1.0 (yet)) :-)

First thing that catches the eye: popup-blocker-status bar? That strangely reminds me of the one in the SP2 IE…/hits right mouse button -> don’t show… ;-)

Update: Noia 2.0 Lite (2.75) it is for now then…I hope Arvid Axelsson will release the new Qute version for 1.0 PR+ soonish though…

GMail Invite anyone? (update)

It seems that Google is dishing out a huge load of invites as mine seem to auto-refill almost every day…so I’ve still got 5 left atm…if you want one…contact me :-) still unreachable…

…by many people. So I had heard last week by some SitePoint Forums Colleagues. Now I finally had some time to play around a little and it’s true: I tried to access the domain from Uni Stuttgart – nothing. Then I tried to ping the domain and the ip is resolved just fine, but there’s a packet loss of 100% :-( .

So I just submitted a support ticket asking my host to have a look at it as this is highly unpleasent…I’ll keep you updated…

Blog world here I come!

It’s coming…
It’s coming…
It’s here!

After looking around the ranks of my fellow SitePoint Forums Advisors I’ve decided that it’s time to “catch up”. So here it is…my own personal blog.

As you might have already seen I decided to run WordPress, mostly due to the fact that it’s based on b2 which I’m already used to…so it only took me some minutes to do the basic setup procedure. Getting it to look a little nicer was a totally different issue though. I added a theme-switcher (by Alex King) so that everyone can use the theme (s)he likes best (there are six different ones atm, more themes might follow later on).

In an effort to make the blog accessible not only through your browser I setup links to different feeds too (click on the corresponding Icon). I hope you like it.

If there are any errors feel free to contact me…I guess there’s still a lot to do…but enough is enough and so I’m calling it a day…
