First Dreamhost impressions…

…alrighty. After signing up the domain was registered less than an hour later (thumbs up). Shell access working fine (thumbs up). No CPanel?!? (thumbs down).

Now after trying to get some mysql-databases to work right away (impossible, argh, thumbs down), I’m a little bit disappointed atm as I had planned to export some dbs from my other server and import them and get the site up and running, which didn’t work out due to different reasons:

  • No CPanel? You gotta be kidding me – CPanel might not be the securest thing in the world, but it’s the fastest and easiest way to get everything going (fast and right away) – and the DreamHost Panel is really something you need to get used to.
  • MySQL-DBs take some time to get activated…
  • …and now there’s only an index page and not the real page showing…argh!
  • After almost 16h infront of a computer screen it’s time to get my eyes some rest…maybe everthing will be up and running tomorrow

Enough for now, I guess “the world will look brighter” again tomorrow and I’m sure DreamHost will stand up to it’s reputation of being on of the best hosts around :-)

Sony DRU700a

Hmm, today I received a package from one of my hardware retailers containing a lovely new Sony DRU700a DVD-burner. I had to send in my old DVD-Burner (Sony DRU500a), which I had bought in December 2002, cause it wouldn’t burn any discs anymore…and because my model was the oldest model of their line (the first Dual 4x DVD-Burner ever) and they didn’t have that anymore the sent me one of their newest models. The new Burner is a 8x/8x/2.4x/40x one (DVD-R/DVD+R/DVD+R9/CD-R).

Now I need to figure out if I should sell it (at a low price of around 80€ – can you believe that I had payed 399€ back in 2002 for the then top of the line model?) or keep it – “unfortunately” I already bought a new DVD-Burner (LG GSA4120B – 8x/12x/2.4x/40x (DVD-R/DVD+R/ DVD+R9/ CD-R)) the moment I had to send in the old one ;-)

Logo Design Contest

As you may know I’m running an leisure time online portal ( ) with a mate of mine.

After getting the site up and running we’re in urgent need of a logo for the site, because we won’t get the site truely off the ground without a little promotion, hence we need a representative logo which will be used both on the site as well as on “merchandising” articles (we want to hand out t-shirts and stuff).

The Logo-Contest can be found here. The description is in german though, so here’s a quick summary:

  • Logo needs to be in vector format (to assure the scalability)!
  • Logo should represent the site (…short summary of the site would be: location guide (bars, clubs, discos, etc) based on the mediaWiki engine; everyone can edit (almost) everything…so the guide should improve over time…with the help of all the party people out there
  • What will I get if I win the contest: You will get x Euro (not totally clear yet…I guess anything from 50 to 100 Euro can be expected), a special site where the logo is explained (what’s the idea behind it), a link-back + the logo can be used in the designer’s portal
  • Contest will end on 30th November 2004, winner will be declared two weeks after that…

If you’re interested and have additional questions feel free to contact us at info [ at ]


…why did I stay up till 5 am this morning…Well, I thought it was a good idea to add a little Configuration Management System, namely MamboServer, to the site I’m currently working on. So I thought that it would be no problem to move the Gallery to a subfolder (it was sitting right in the root of the domain)…big mistake. It’s indeed nearly impossible to move a gallery once installed in a directory or maybe it’s just me…but I don’t think so.

So after a short night’s sleep I got up at 10am and after drinking loads of coffee and coke I’m well awake, but not quite feeling good as I’ve been working on the Uni Project all day (actually I’m still sitting here at the Fraunhofer Institute atm). Now it’s about time to go home…then maybe do a little editing of the site, yet again…and then it’s time to relax and hopefully get some rest on the couch :-)

Ergo: Moving stuff in the middle of the night isn’t a good idea, even though it might look to be one right then ;-)

Gallery anyone?

Yesterday I was in the hunt for a decent, easy to setup gallery system. After previous experience with the software Gallery used by a mate of mine (in version 1.4.3) I was going to give it a shot.

So I downloaded the package (version 1.4.4.pl2) and the german language pack. After reading through the basic setup procedure I was amazed how easy the setup is. After about 10 minutes I was ready to upload everything. The following setup when through without a problem and the gallery was up. Then it was time to play around a little and add the first pics.

As the gallery is meant to be private you won’t see any albums or pics without logging in – if you still wanna have a look at the layout I chose etc you can have a look here.

Good morning…

…or should I say good day…had a power outage this morning (around 5am) so I totally missed my normal alarm clock, but fortunately I always use my mobile phone as my second (backup) alarm clock!

Apart from sleeping a little longer there were no major incidents though, alright my compi crashed, but fortunately nothing broken :-)

Almost 3am…

…oh my. Once again it’s early in the morning and I’m still infront of the computer.

It’s really time that it’s october (end of a one year long university project in cooperation with the fraunhofer institue Service Engineering Support System) and that I get my life back to a “normal” schedule.

I guess after I’m through with this I really need a vacation. What I really need now though is some sleep…so Night night…