European Championship Final (Basketball)

Germany 62-78 Greece :-(

Still the second greatest achievement in german Basketball history (after the upset European Championship in 1993). One Nowitzki, who was forced into bad shots all night and still managed to get 23points, just wasn’t enough to defeat a well-rounded greek team effort.

Congrats to them…and see you in Japan for the World Championship 2006!

FV Oberstenfeld 0-0 FC Marbach

Not a great match on the horrible pitch of Oberstenfeld, nontheless we had the better chances and could have scored numerous time, but it wasn’t to be.

So there goes the top of the table and we’re playing our next home game next sunday against the new leader:

FC Marbach II (2nd – 10pts) vs. SGV Hochdorf (1st – 12pts)

Week 6 (2005/2006)

Not a particularly good week for my team with a measly 29 points (best score in our super league 57 points!). Nontheless it was enough to remain on top of the table as the second place manager (Mr. Price himself) scored the identical score (29points) :-)

  1. Ingoal, 29 points, 195 points total
  2. Mr Price, 29 points, 191 points total

FC Marbach II 5-0 TSV Ludwigsburg

Well, what should I say…they had no chance at all. Our team, stuffed with players from our first team (6 out of the starting 11), was just too much and it was just a mattered of time until we scored – which took quite some time and a lot of wasted chances (43rd minute: 1-0). We went up 2-0 right after the half on a penalty and the rest was cruise mode.

  • 1-0 Thomas Scheike
  • 2-0 Fabian Kirschner (penalty)
  • 3-0 Kerim Panzehir
  • 4-0 Fabian Kirschner
  • 5-0 Timo Hertler

If we continue at this pace we’ll be able to clinch the wanted 20+ points (avoiding relegation) in no time…and if all goes well we might even play for a bid in Kreisliga A…who knows…

Week 5 (2005/2006)

Oooh yeah! Start spreading the news: Ingoal has clinched the top of the table!
With a brilliant 5th week (with a whoopin score of 34 points) and 166 total points now, I’m the leader of the pack. Haven’t been in that position for such a long time it feels really good to be back. Although it’s still early in the season I’m quite confident now that I can indeed beat Mr. Price this season and win our bet :mrgreen:

Standings after 5 weeks:

  1. Ingoal – 166
  2. Mr. Legg – 163
  3. Mr. Price – 162

SGV Murr 2-4 FC Marbach II

Wow, another victory against a good team. After going up 0-2, Murr pull within our reach just before half-time (1-2). 1-3, 1-4 and 2-4 followed which leaves us with our second win in as many matches :mrgreen:


  • 0-1 Salvador Garcia-Martinez
  • 0-2 Kerim Panzehir
  • 1-3 Timo Hertler
  • 1-4 Kerim Panzehir

Marbacher Gassenlauf

So…after a really short night and bad signs (a mate of mine celebrated his birthday and we were drinking beer + jaegermeister until well after 3am this morning – can you call that bad signs?! :mrgreen: ) I decided to…run!

To be honest the route was tougher than I expected and I thought about quitting after the first lap, but then I thought: You’re here now…so run! – and that’s just what I did…

I finished in position 258 (which in turn is place 218 (edit) only counting the male competitors)) – not bad! Although I didn’t finish in my “magic time” of under an hour…here’s the time:

Snapshot of my finish

1h 7m 58s: laps 20:04/23:40/24:14 – nontheless I’m proud and glad that it’s over ;-)
Maybe I’ll start again next year – but only if I can find the time to train a little bit more, especially on the route itself as there’s a huge difference between 10.5km flat and 10.5km of up and down (47 height meters per lap)!

Sporty weekend…or…run Ingoal run…

On Saturday it’s time for the “Marbacher Gassenlauf” (Marbach is the native town of Friedrich Schiller). It’s basically a city run, although the route is through all the old alleys (“Gasse” = alley) with their lovely cobblestone pavement so it’s a little bit tougher – especially due to the nature of the route:

3 laps with 3.5km each, height difference per round = 47 meters :eek: – so a total height difference of 141 meters…

Here’s a pic of the route (the part in the red square is the cobblestone part):

Route of the Marbacher Gassenlauf

I guess it’s going to be a tough one as I haven’t been in a 10km+ run before, but I’m feeling fine and confident…although I didn’t do any additional training sessions (training for footie at least two times per week is enough IMO).

My personal goals:

  • Make it through all 3 laps
  • Have fun! (If that’s possible ;-) )
  • If it’s possible stay under 1h
  • Don’t die of boredom

I’ll report back on late Saturday or Sunday with results…

New Premiership started…

…some weeks ago and although I didn’t post about it yet I’m playing the telegraph fantasie footie game again – and so far it’s looking good for me, although it’s looking even better for Mr. Price. As usual we’ve got our little bet going once again: the manager who finishes beneath the other manager is going to pay for next round’s account (hopefully I’ll win again this time…it’s 1-1 so far).

So far there have been played 3..4 matches so far (some teams are one game behind) and it’s really looking good this time:

  1. Mr. Price, 140 points total
  2. another player
  3. Ingoal, 132 points total

:mrgreen: – I’ll be posting updates regularly again from now on (scores are updated on wednesdays, so that’s when I’m going to post the current standings).

New season starts…with an impressive win!

Today was the start of the new football season. This year we’re in “Kreisliga B – Staffel 2” which is one league above the “Kreisliga C” in which we played last season. After a bumpy preparation period (lots of teammates were either on vacation or not really keen on doing all the conditioning and so we weren’t really able to train all the stuff you should train in a preparation period) and all the preseason losses (4 matches played, W-D-L=0-0-4) we weren’t too sure about how well we would fare against TuS Freiberg (who went through relegation from Kreisliga A last season).

How did we do then? FC Marbach II 5-0 TuS Freiberg :-)
After being up 3-0 at half time we missed numerous chances (including a penalty kick) in the second half and so the 5-0 could have been even higher.

Side note: Nope, I didn’t play as I handed in my resignation from active play after last season/prior to this season as I didn’t see a chance to get a decent amount of playing time. Nontheless I’m still training (I was the only one on the team to participate in all preseason training sessions) and I’m ready and willing to step up again if we’re short of players…

Koelsch Cup 2005

Alrighty, yesterday it was time for the Koelsch Cup again. Short description of the Koelsch Cup:

  • A team consists of 2 players
  • A match’s duration is 10minutes max – if a team scores 10 goals the match ends immediately
  • The Koelsch Cup is the Koelsch Cup because (almost) everyone is drinking Koelsch…that said: most of the early matches are high-class, most of the later matches tend to be really funny with (almost) all players a little bit drunk ;-)
  • The pitch is 15m x 8m with two little goals (see here)
  • All matches are strictly fair play!
  • The Cup is all private…

I had my fourth go at the cup this year and once again played with my partner Benjamin “Ailton” Keiper. This year 20 teams competed for the cup – the preliminary round was played in 4 groups (A-D) on two pitches (first time ever). We ended up in Group D and were able to watch some interesting matches before taking the field ourselves – we lost the first match 5-7 against our FCM II rear gunners “Buuunsch” and “L.Oe.”. We won our second match 9-2 after trailing 0-2 and at this point we were almost through to the final round (4 out 5 teams of every group play the 1/8 and so on) so we weren’t really focussed on winning anymore and lost the remaining two group matches. After that we played our 1/8-final (which we didn’t intend to win) and were able to watch the remaining matches without any hassle – drinking and eating without interruption :-)

Overall it was once again a really nice Cup so I decided it would be my turn to help out tearing down all the stuff…so it was a short night (in bed shortly after 2am, alarm went of at 9am)…but all in all it was worth it as we were able to get the stuff sorted quite quickly… :tup:

Hopefully there will be another Cup next year – this would be my 5 year anniversary :-)

All rise…all rise…

So we’ve done it, final result: FC Marbach II 1-0 Poppenweiler II…after missing a penalty and some quite good chances we were finally able to score around the 70th minute which secured our rise to Kreisliga B. Groovy :-)

Just came back from our little after-game party…the real party will follow on saturday…now it’s time to catch some sleep…night :-)


…up in flames :-(

Unfortunately our competition didn’t miss on their opportunity to claim the championship, so our 13-1 win over Anadolu Marbach was pointless. Dersim Ludwigsburg won 1-0 over GSV Hoepfigheim II to claim the championship. Congrats to them. So now it’s up to us to win the relegation game on thursday which is scheduled for 18:30 in Neckarrems. Man, what a disappontment: not being the champion after losing only one game during the whole season :-(

The final table can be found here

I’ll keep you updated…