On Saturday it’s time for the “Marbacher Gassenlauf” (Marbach is the native town of Friedrich Schiller). It’s basically a city run, although the route is through all the old alleys (“Gasse” = alley) with their lovely cobblestone pavement so it’s a little bit tougher – especially due to the nature of the route:
3 laps with 3.5km each, height difference per round = 47 meters :eek: – so a total height difference of 141 meters…
Here’s a pic of the route (the part in the red square is the cobblestone part):

I guess it’s going to be a tough one as I haven’t been in a 10km+ run before, but I’m feeling fine and confident…although I didn’t do any additional training sessions (training for footie at least two times per week is enough IMO).
My personal goals:
- Make it through all 3 laps
- Have fun! (If that’s possible ;-) )
- If it’s possible stay under 1h
- Don’t die of boredom
I’ll report back on late Saturday or Sunday with results…